It may seem random and slightly unnerving, but the dog stare is actually a well-established form of communication in the canine world. Find out why dogs keep staring at us.
Has your dog been keeping an eye on you? If you’re wondering “why does my dog stare at me”, you’re not alone. Dogs stare at us quite a lot, prompting many owners to try and decipher what the mysterious gaze could be about. While we might not be able to know what exactly is going through a dog’s mind, there are a few cues that can help us solve the riddle of their intense stare.
From the loving gaze to the icy glare, dogs use eye contact as a form of communication. So, if you have unexpectedly met your pet’s intense gaze from across the room and you’re looking for explanations, here are a few possible reasons why dogs keep staring at us.
1. They love us
Just as we humans gaze into the eyes of people we adore, dogs have “borrowed” the same sign of affection to communicate with their owners. New research shows that mutual gazing between us and our pets releases the same hormonal response present during mother and infant bonding between humans. If you discover your dog looking at you with longing eyes and no apparent reason, it just might be a sign that they love you. However, don’t be tempted to force your dog into a loving stare by holding their head. Dogs might interpret it as a threat and react accordingly.